You hold in your hand, T.J. Miller’s choice in hot sauce — and T.J. chooses to only source hot sauce from the famous Scoville Brothers of the great state of Indiana (his mother—in-law lives there and so do the Lins — the great hot sauce family of our time) because they use organic farm grown peppers, all natural ingredients and do it themselves - no factories or robotic children fueled by fossils. When it comes to hot sauce. T.J. is fucking serious — and that is rare. If you received this hot sauce as a gift you are truly loved, if you bought it yourself you are a baller of the highest degree. T.J. doesn't use other hot sauces. This is his most choice hot sauce — bringing the chipotle smoke with just enough heat to open up the flavor and add something truly unique and exquisitely special to any dang dish you can think of. Put it on pizza, cinnamon rolls, steak, eggs, waffles with chicken adjacent, sheet cake, corn off the cob, a romantic partner who is open to sexual exploration and hot genitals, a DVD of The Emoji Movie - hell, put it on other hot sauces that aren’t as fucking awesome. It’s not required - it's T.J.‘s choice.